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This band is awesome live!

A Perfect Cricle w/The Chorus Line
Reliant Arena - Houston, Texas
November1, 2003
Last Saturday I went to the A Perfect Circle show in Houston.  From the start I will say that it has been the best show I have been to, so far.  They were so incredible, everyone in that band so great.  I finally got to see my Twiggy [I still call him that even though now he goes by his real name Jeordie white].  I was so excited the whole time; I made eye contact with him a few times and that was something quite overwhelming for me.
As far as the rest of the band I have to say that Maynard has got to be the most awesome individual out there, in the whole world.  The connection you can make with him is something that is just out of the ordinary.  James Iha is a sexy guitarist that was in his corner just playing that guitar and producing wonderful music.  Billy Howerdal was also another great one, Josh did not say much, but he id play the hell out those drums. 
I forgot to metion that there was a band that opened for A Perfect Circle and they were not at all good.  The guitarist was a complete ass-hole that spit on the crowd.  Someone from the audience scream out "You suck!" and so he decided that for the remainder of the show he would just spit on us, it was so vile and disrespectful.  I think bands should be able to handle the public, for not all people will like them and we do have our right to say whatever we want, and they have the right to listen to it and just keep playing without regards to what we say.  By the way, the name of the band I believe is The Chorus Line--just so you know.[
Besides that stupid incident that whole show was a success thanks to the guys from A Perfect Circle.  I am sure everyone enjoyed their performance, and they were definately worth the wait.
Remember that if you have gone to a show and would like to post your review.  Just e-mail me, and I will put it up on the website.  Thanks for reading, and until next time.
- Nancy Velasquez

Upcoming Shows
For this fall the following major bands will be touring: Kiss and Aerosmith, Radiohead, 3 Doors Down w/Our Lady Peace and Seether, Iron Maiden, and a few others that I cannot think of at the moment.  Check out Ticketmaster and your local concert updates websites as well as you radiostation for upcoming concerts in your area.